BRANDT Board of Directors

BRANDT has long relied on an independent, experienced Board of Directors to provide leadership, direction and advice.

The BRANDT Board is carefully curated to provide insight to help advance the entire business. It includes an agricultural entrepreneur from Florida, an experienced ag-retailer from the East Coast; and a long-term practicing Illinois attorney to name a few. It also includes the BRANDT Senior Executive Team.

The BRANDT Board is charged with risk management, capital allocation and investment, succession planning, corporate governance and overall strategic direction.

With ten directors and three consultants, the BRANDT Board of Directors enjoys a wide range of opinions and deep expertise in business, focusing on agriculture in particular. Each director serves a term at the discretion of the Brandt Consolidated, Inc. shareholders.

BRANDT Board of Directors

Rick Brandt
President & CEO
Bill Engel
Executive Vice President
Joe Brummel
EVP, Chief Financial Officer
Tim McArdle
EVP, Chief Operating Officer
Karl Barnhart
EVP, Chief Marketing Officer
R. Lee Allen
EVP, Corporate General Counsel
Glen Brandt
Board Consultant
Evelyn Brandt Thomas
Board Consultant
De Willard
Outside Director
Mike Barry
Outside Director
Bob Walbaum
Outside Director
Kelley Earnhardt Miller
Outside Director
Chris Harbourt
Outside Director